No matter whether you have a start-up or a medium business unit or a big enterprise system, you must have realized the need of opting for a cloud hosting service. With the advancement of technology, cloud offerings have become even more attractive, and it makes your business way easier. However, if you don’t have a very clear idea about what is cloud server hosting, you must know the features of this service.
Cloud computing refers to the hosting services that are provided through multiple servers that are inter-connected and form a cloud. With a reliable cloud hosting provider, you can enjoy improved accessibility, cost efficiency and seamless scalability. If we talk about the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing, the greatest benefit of cloud hosting is that you can use the service according to your requirement and pay only for what you use. We consider cloud hosting as an extension of clustered hosting. This is a system that hosts websites on multiple servers. As far as cloud hosting is concerned, the network of servers is quite vast. Most often, the network is pulled from different data centers in different locations.
Difference between IaaS and PaaS
If you are concerned about the practical examples of cloud hosting, you can notice these both under Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and also Platform as a Service (PaaS).
Under IaaS, they provide you with a virtualized hardware resource, which you can use for installing a software environment of your choice, before you build a web application. When you opt for PaaS, they provided you with the same software environment, as a solution stack. This can be a database support, a web server software, an operating system or a programming support. With the help of this software environment, you can directly install and develop a web application. If your business has multiple complex IT infrastructures and you have a group of experienced IT professionals, you may opt for an IaaS model that can be customized based on your own requirements. If you don’t need to tackle an extremely complicated business process, you can also opt for a PaaS, and enjoy the ease of operation.
As an enterprise customer, you can consider opting for a Virtual Data Center or VDC, which is a developed version of cloud hosting. This employs a virtualized network of servers in the cloud. This can host the entire IT operations of a business, including the websites.
Public cloud model is another example of cloud hosting that is quite relevant for business owners. This refers to hosting websites on virtual servers that draw resources from a common source. They also used this source for other virtual servers that are publicly available. There are certain security measures in public clouds. This ensures the data is absolutely secure and kept private. It also ensures that the data will be sufficient for most of the website installations.
So, if you want to ensure a secure and reliable business environment, opt for a reliable cloud hosting service.
Sandy John has over six year’s experience writing on the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing, data centers, web hosting-related topics. Now he is writing for Ricoh’s Data Center Services.
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